How to Find Keywords in GA-4?

Kate Sheveriaieva
May 16, 2024
keywords in GA-4

Website productivity and a steady flow of customers are critical to any company's success. Keywords in Google Analytics are required to attract them. Stakeholders utilize them to locate the appropriate product or service. 

Google Analytics 4 is an analytics service from Google. It allows you to collect statistics on sites and applications simultaneously. Development of GA-4 has been ongoing since 2017. In 2019, a beta version of the tool called "Websites and Apps" was generally released, and in 2020, after several improvements and changes, Google introduced GA-4. 

You can improve your business by identifying high-performing keywords. They'll help to attract more relevant traffic and improve overall website visibility. Therefore, we have prepared a foolproof guide that will take you step by step through the complex navigation of GA-4.

Step-by-Step Guide on Navigating GA-4 to Find Keyword Data

Before you start any journey, you need to make sure that you know the rules. Therefore, knowing how to find keywords in Google Analytics is very important. It helps optimize your website's productivity and understand user intent. 

Let's walk you through finding keyword insights within GA-4. By leveraging this data, you can fine-tune your content strategy, enhance SEO efforts, and boost website traffic. Let's dive in and explore how to locate keyword information efficiently. It'll help to make informed decisions and drive success for your online presence.

Log in to Google Analytics

Open your browser and go to the Google Analytics page. Log in to your Google Analytics account with your credentials.

Select the Property

Once logged in Google Analytics, select the keywords in the Google Analytics property corresponding to the website where you want to view keyword data. Ensure you have the necessary permissions to access this property.

Navigate to Reports

Click "Reports" in the left-hand menu to call up the report interface. It will open various report options to analyze the performance of your website.

Access Acquisition Reports

In the Reports section, locate and click "Acquisition". It'll view data on how users find your website.

Explore Traffic Acquisition Sources

Under the Acquisition section, you'll find various traffic sources to your website. Look for "Google Ads" or "Organic Search," depending on the type of traffic you want to analyze.

Select Google Ads or Organic Search

To search keywords in Google Analytics, Click "Google Ads" or "Organic Search". You can drill down to the specific source of traffic you want to analyze. It will take you to a detailed report on traffic from Google Ads campaigns or organic search results.

View Keyword Data

Within the selected traffic source report, you'll find keyword data related to user searches that led to visits to your website. This data includes clicks, impressions, click-through rates (CTR), and conversion rates.

Analyze Keyword Performance

Explore the list of keywords and their associated performance metrics. It'll help you to identify which keywords drive the most traffic and conversions to your website. Pay attention to metrics like CTR and conversion rate. Then, assess the effectiveness of each keyword.

Apply Filters and Segments (Optional)

Use filters and segments to refine your keyword data further in analytics. You can filter for specific keywords, landing pages, or user demographics. It gives you deeper insights into user behavior and performance trends.

Take Action

Based on your analysis, take actionable steps. They'll help you to optimize your content, SEO strategy, and advertising campaigns. Focus on leveraging high-performing keywords to attract more relevant traffic. Also, you'll improve overall website performance.

Setting Up GA-4 for Keyword Tracking

Setting up Google Analytics for keyword tracking is essential. It helps to understand how users discover your website through search engines. Follow these steps to configure GA-4 for effective keyword tracking:

  • Create a GA-4 Property: Log in to your Google Analytics account and navigate to the Admin section. Create a new GA-4 property for the website you want to track keywords.
  • Configure Data Streams: Set up data streams for your website within the newly created GA-4 property. Ensure that you include all relevant platforms and devices to capture comprehensive data.
  • Enable Enhanced Measurement: Within the Admin section, enable it for your GA-4 property. This feature automatically tracks specific interactions on your website, including keyword-related data.
  • Customize Event Tracking: Customize event tracking to capture keyword data more effectively. Install custom event tracking for specific interactions. Among them are search queries, which gather insights into user keyword usage.
  • Set Up Site Search Tracking: If your website has a search function, enable site search tracking in GA-4. It allows you to capture keyword data from user searches within your website.
  • Create Custom Reports: Use custom reports in GA-4 to visualize and analyze keyword data effectively. Customize reports to display metrics related to keyword performance. Among them are clicks, impressions, and conversion rates.
  • Test and Validate: Before you fully implement keyword tracking in GA-4, you should thoroughly test the setup. It'll help you to ensure accurate data collection. Validate the keyword tracking by performing test searches. Also confirm it by analyzing the results in Google Analytics.
  • Monitor and Optimize: Once keyword tracking in Analytics is set up, monitor your analytics setup regularly. Analyze its data to identify trends, optimize content, and improve marketing strategies. They are generally based on insights gathered from Google Analytics.

Following these steps, you can effectively set up GA-4 for keyword tracking. You may leverage keyword-related data to enhance your website's performance and marketing efforts.

How to Analyze Keywords in Google Analytics

Analyzing keywords in Google Analytics provides valuable insights. They are about how users discover your website and interact with your content. Follow these steps to analyze keywords effectively:

  • Access Google Analytics: Log in to your Google Analytics account and navigate to the relevant property.
  • Navigate to Reports: Go to the "Reports" section and select "Acquisition" to access traffic sources.
  • Select Traffic Source: Choose "Organic Search" or "Google Ads" to focus on organic or paid search traffic, respectively.
  • View Keyword Data: Explore the "Search Queries" report to see a list of keywords users used to find your website.
  • Analyze Performance Metrics: Review clicks, impressions, CTR, and conversion rates for each keyword.
  • Identify High-Performing Keywords: Identify keywords driving significant traffic and conversions. They'll help to optimize your content and SEO strategy.
  • Apply Filters and Segments: Utilize filters and segments to refine your analysis based on specific criteria. Among them are demographics or landing pages.
  • Monitor Trends: Regularly check keyword trends to stay informed about changes in user behavior. Adjust your strategy accordingly.

Following these steps, you can gain valuable insights from keywords in GA-4. They'll help you to improve your website's performance and enhance user engagement.

Advanced Techniques for Tracking Keywords in GA-4

To enhance your ability to track keywords in Google Analytics, consider advanced techniques. Among them are:

  • Event Tracking: Install event tracking to capture user interactions related to keywords. Among them are clicks on search result pages or interactions with search filters. It provides additional insights into user behavior beyond traditional page views.
  • Content Grouping: Group pages on your website based on related keywords or topics. It enables you to analyze the performance of keywords within specific content groups. Also, it helps to identify opportunities for optimization.
  • User ID Tracking: Install User ID tracking to analyze the behavior of individual users across multiple sessions. It allows you to track the keywords users use over time. Also, it helps to understand their entire journey on your website.
  • Enhanced Site Search Tracking: Customize site search tracking. It'll help you to capture more information about user search queries. It is search categories or filters applied. It enriches your keyword data and provides deeper insights into user intent.
  • Custom Dimensions and Metrics: Use custom dimensions and metrics. They'll help you to capture additional information about keywords and user interactions. It allows for more detailed analysis and reporting tailored to your business needs.
  • Data Import: Import external data sources. Among them are keyword rankings or search volume data in Google Analytics to enrich your keyword analysis. It provides context and helps you make more informed decisions. They are generally based on comprehensive data.

Integrate these advanced techniques. They'll help you to unlock the full potential of tracking keywords in GA-4. Also, you may gain deeper insights into your website's user behavior.


Finding keywords in Google Analytics 4 is crucial for understanding user behavior. GA-4 is fundamentally different from the previous version in functionality and interface. While GA focuses on visitor sessions, GA-4 focuses on user behavior. Hence, the menu, new indicators, and reports have a completely different logic.

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