How to Create a Successful Blog: A Guide. The Avalanche Method

Anastasia Melnyk
Oct 19, 2023
Hands on laptop with notebook

Blogging is becoming an increasingly popular tool in website promotion. A blog not only helps improve the visibility and reputation of your site. It is also a powerful tool for attracting new visitors and clients. However, you need to develop an effective content plan to work successfully with a blog. And you need to find appropriate topics for articles, etc.

This article will look at different aspects of working with a blog, starting with finding topics. We'll look at methods of gathering semantics by mask and clustering, as well as ways to find articles from competitor sites.

However, finding the right topic for an article is only the first step. We'll also take an in-depth look at the Avalanche method for planning articles for the blog. It will help you organize and organize your content.

Finally, we'll discuss a question that concerns many bloggers and business projects. How often should you post new articles to your blog? We'll look at various factors when determining the optimal publishing schedule.

By following these guidelines, you can operate your blog effectively. You will be able to achieve maximum results in promoting your site. Let's start!

What Tasks Help to Solve the Blog in the Promotion of Sites

So, before we move on to a more complex issue, let's understand what website promotion tasks a blog helps solve. A blog goes a long way toward improving visibility and performance in search engines. Here are a few of the tasks that blogging helps solve:

  • Complete topic coverage by semantics. A blog allows you to cover a wide range of keywords and phrases related to your niche or business. Regularly creating articles on various topics allows for full coverage of semantics. It increases the likelihood of attracting a diverse audience.
  • Increasing the overall visibility of the site in search engines. A blog with informative and valuable content attracts more search traffic. Publishing new articles with optimized keywords helps increase your site's visibility in search engines.
  • Attracting informative traffic to your site. A blog can serve as a source of information for users looking for answers to questions or interested in specific topics. Creating useful and interesting content helps attract that informational traffic to your site.
  • Opportunities for internal linking. A blog provides an excellent opportunity for internal linking, that is, creating links to other pages on your site. It improves user navigation, increases engagement, and strengthens the site's internal structure.

According to data from the Yandex leak, total traffic to the site and the number of keys on which the site is ranked are ranking factors, respectively; blogging positively affects the site's position in search engines.

Given these objectives, the blog becomes a powerful tool for website promotion and an important element of your search engine optimization strategy.

How to Search Topics for a Blog

Finding the right topics for your blog can be an interesting and creative process. But you need to know how to do it correctly and perfectly. There are several ways to plan your articles. They will help you search for topics for your blog:

  • Collecting semantics by masks, clustering

Let's take the project as an example. The site deals with the delivery of pan-Asian food. To begin with, we take the names of the categories and goods on the site. To do this, it is enough to unload H1 tags from the pages we need.

Search for a topic in Screaming Frog

Next, clean our masks and throw parsing through Wordstat (you can use services Arsenkin or rush-analytics). The obtained data should be warehoused, and frequency and commercialization removed. In the output, we have a file with ready themes and semantics for them.

  • Search for articles from competitor sites

You need to find competitors who write articles on similar subjects for this method. I will show by the example

We go to the output of Google, looking for the most obvious articles on our topics. For sites on fitness would be the theme "How to lose weight at the gym" and "How to train at the gym.

Search for articles from competitor sites

Next, we parse competitors' sites through Screaming Frog and unload topics for articles. Or go to  Ahrefs and unload the semantics competitors section, clustered and cleaned.

Parse competitors' sites through Screaming Frog and unload topics for articles.

It is necessary to use both methods in selecting topics for articles (if possible) because, in the first case, you are likely to miss a lot of near-thematic articles. Second, you will not understand which articles are better to start.

How to Plan Articles for a Blog. The Avalanche Method

The Avalanche method was invented to promote the whole site but later became much more common exclusively for the blog. The essence of this method is to write articles on keywords that are about 30 times less than your monthly attendance. The basic idea is to fight for low-frequency queries with a smooth transition to medium and high-frequency.

First, you need to determine the level of your site. To do this, just know your monthly traffic to the site and compare it to the table. It is only important to consider the range.

Plan Articles for a Blog

Let's say our site has 2,500 monthly traffic, and we get 50-100 visitors daily. Someone will think they're the smartest and say, "Well, that means we can get about 3,000 new visitors a month. It is fundamentally wrong. Since you're trying to beat the algorithm by being an outsider with 50-100 visitors a day, you need to target keywords that get 50-100 monthly visitors.

Based on the above, we need to find a pool of articles with average keyword weights appropriate for the level of your site and write them until we get to the next level (or until we run out of topics for articles at that level).

How Often to Post Articles to the Blog

How often to post articles to the blog is an important question. There is no one-size-fits-all answer. The optimal publishing frequency depends on various factors, such as the resources available, the blog's audience, and your ability to maintain consistent content. 

On the one hand, regularity in publishing articles matters. It helps retain audience interest, improve search engine optimization, and keep your blog active. Constantly updating your content can also attract new readers and retain existing ones.

Doing it evenly is important; you don't need to post ten articles one day and then do nothing for a month. Optimal - 4-6 articles per month. You can do more if the budget allows; less is bad.

On the other hand, the quality of content should be a priority. Having a few quality articles a month is better than many low-quality publications. Focus on creating informative, useful, and interesting content that will resonate with your audience.

We'll show you two examples of this kind of work - the right one and the quick one:


An example for the website. The site has about 15 thousand visits per month, most of the traffic comes from branded queries and some products, so to determine the level of your site, go to Google Search Console > Search Results > select Page in the filter and select Blog. On our blog, we have about 8-10 thousand visits per month, so our frequency range is 300-500 (since we should take the frequency about 30 times less than our monthly traffic - 15000/30 = 500). 

It is worth noting that this is the maximum keyword frequency that is available to us at the moment. It is possible to write articles with a lower frequency, but not necessary. We have collected the information semantics for this project, consisting of ~ 950 clusters, and have compiled a pivot table from them. We calculated the average frequency of the keyword in each cluster to understand which clusters are currently suitable for us. An example of a summary table and its implementation is here.

Keyword table

Next, sort the clusters and select topics that are currently available to us (for the blog, we recommend starting from the frequency without regard to the word form, i.e., in this format, "key"). After that, we select topics for articles, make a content plan and start writing.

Bottom Line

To summarize, the process of working with a blog and creating a content plan involves several important steps:

  • Find topics for articles. Do your research and identify interesting and relevant topics.
  • Gather a semantic core. Use semantics-gathering tools to identify keywords and phrases related to the selected topics. 
  • Determine the range of keyword frequencies. Analyze keyword frequency and competitiveness to determine the range in which you will work. 
  • Work with articles from that keyword range. Start creating articles optimized for the selected keywords. Pay attention to the quality of the content, its informativeness, and its uniqueness.
  • As total traffic to the site increases, move on to the next pool of articles. As traffic increases, consider expanding thematic coverage. It will help retain audience interest and attract new readers.
  • Post at least four articles per month. Maintain regularity in publishing articles. Keep your blog active and interesting. Gradually build up your publishing activity.

Working with a blog requires constant development and adaptation. Analyze the results, interact with the audience, and improve your content marketing strategy based on the experience.

It's vital to acknowledge the foundation of any successful blog: choosing the right domain. A relevant and memorable domain name sets the tone for your blog, aiding in SEO.

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Frequently asked questions

Is it OK to blog once a month?
What makes an article a blog?
How long is a blog article?
How do I find topics for my blog?

Are You Ready To Grow Your Website?

Understanding the ins and outs of website growth, we help ensure that your site grows over time with ever-increasing reach and accessibility. Not only do we employ the latest digital marketing techniques for driving traffic directly to your website, but our strategies also focus on gaining loyalty from those visitors so they come back again and again.
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