Principles of Website Promotion: Success for Each Type of Web Project

Anastasia Melnyk
Oct 19, 2023
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In today's world, having a successful and well-promoted website is becoming increasingly important. All because the Internet is an integral part of our lives! But how to succeed in the ocean of online competition? The key point is to understand that website promotion has no universal approach. Different types of web projects require different strategies and methods. There are just a few of the most common types of sites on the Internet:

  • Information sites
  • Services sites
  • Online shops
  • Aggregators

Each of them is a unique entity, which requires an individual approach to promotion. Accordingly, the basic method for promoting each type of site is different. 

So what principles and methods should be used to promote each type of site successfully? Now let's break down the importance of the main ranking factors by priority for each type of site. Ready to dive into the world of website promotion principles? Let's get started!

Information Sites

Information sites play a crucial role in providing valuable information and meaningful content in the online world. They are:

  • A source of news
  • A reference book
  • A blog
  • Or any other resource designed to convey information and knowledge to the user

The importance of ranking information sites is that it allows them to gain more visibility and attract more visitors. By optimizing for search engines and improving ranking factors, information sites can appear in high positions in search results. It, in turn, increases the likelihood that users will find them and get the information they need. The ranking of information sites relies on various factors, including:

Optimizing these elements helps improve a site's positioning in search engines and attract more organic traffic.

A good ranking of information sites is essential to a successful online strategy. It allows the site to become an authoritative and reliable source of information and attract a targeted audience looking for answers to their questions and information of interest.

Textual Ranking Factors

Since the main information that is given to the user is texts in response to their questions, it is vital to pay attention to the following things:

  • Does the text answer all of the user's possible questions on the topic? In other words, how fully the text reveals the question.
  • Is the text too complicated for the user, and how easy is it to read in general.
  • Are there any necessary graphics in the text (tables, pictures, videos) which should be used in the subject matter.
  • Is there no spam in the text or other areas of the document (Header/Footer, Sidebar if available).

Internal Ranking Factors

The second highest priority task for content projects. For internal factors, we can include:

  • Metadata: How correctly you filled it in.
  • Working with snippets on search: When we can correct the document's areas shown in the Description Snippet.
  • Internal Relinking: Here, we don't need the left navigation menu. Usually, breadcrumbs and a "Read also" block with articles on the topic are used for linking. Sometimes, the blog is categorized by topic or using a tag cloud under H1.
  • Technical factors: Play an even smaller role. Basic technicalities should be done:
  1. Micro-labelling
  2. Errors in duplicate pages.
  3. Incorrect meta fixed.
  4. Errors in how robots see pages, if any.

Link Ranking Factors

It is the third highest priority factor to consider when ranking. Influencing the behavioral factors from the material can be quite dangerous. Therefore, work with the total reference mass should not be made earlier than the 3rd month of work to check whether these links to the site need to make or optimize old materials and based on semantics to compare the site, which we are going to promote with competitors.

Behavioral Ranking Factors

They are also called user ranking factors. We cannot influence them directly, but they are nevertheless important. There are metrics like LastClick, Depth of View, visitor time on the site, and internal conversions. One way or another, they form a picture of how the user interacts with the site. Accordingly, the task of keeping the visitor's attention on the page, there are several ways to do this:

  • Photos that separate page paragraphs.
  • Video materials that will help the visitor.
  • Tables, if this is necessary. For example, tables comparing the prices of stretch ceilings from major competitors.
  • Lazy-Load can also be used for deeper user interaction.
  • After the user reaches a certain place, load the next page.

Commercial Ranking Factors

Commercial factors play almost no role on these sites. It is because information sites are primarily focused on providing information, not on selling products or services. Commercial factors such as conversion rate or sales are usually not the primary indicators of success for information sites. Instead, these sites focus on the information's credibility, quality and relevance.

Service Sites

Service sites are online resources where companies and entrepreneurs offer different types of services to their customers. These sites often include information:

  • About the services provided
  • Contact information
  • Customer testimonials
  • And other elements necessary to attract and persuade potential customers

Ranking service sites are important because they are vital for companies to attract new customers and establish trust with existing audiences. When users search for services on search engines, relevant and well-ranked sites can attract more organic traffic and increase the likelihood of conversions. Optimizing service sites includes:

  • Keyword work
  • Content optimization
  • Improving the user experience
  • Creation of unique meta tags
  • Technical optimization

In addition, helpful and informative customer reviews are an essential ranking factor. They can influence the decision-making of potential customers.

Successful ranking of service sites helps companies stand out in the marketplace, establish their expertise and increase the trust of potential clients. It also helps to increase competitiveness, attract new customers and retain existing ones. Overall, ranking service sites is a critical success factor for businesses providing services in the online environment.

Textual Ranking Factors

In this case, the main promotion services are articles, but the only big difference is that the site structure begins to play a greater role. Let's take, for example, a legal site. We see the following division:

  • Main Section -> Subsection -> Materials

Accordingly, the materials on the service sites should be located in terms of logical structure. The user must be able to find the information they are interested in and, accordingly, will leave the site. It is one of the most common things that could be improved in promoting the service site.

Textual ranking factors remain the same as for information sites, namely:

  • The text should solve the user's problem and answer all their questions.
  • The text should be designed with Headings and dividers that hold attention.
  • The text size should match the search engine results and sometimes be larger to answer all possible questions about the topic.
  • The text should have dividers in the form of photos/videos.
  • Pages of services must have tables with prices and other elements such as "Feedback form", "Advantages of the company", and "Block why we".
  • There should be a link to other sections of the site.
  • No spam in the text itself or other areas of the document (Header/Footer, Sidebar if available).
  • For medicine and complex topics like legal, a card of the author who wrote this material in connection with YMYL factors is mandatory.

When focusing on textual ranking factors, integrating an SEO-optimized domain name enhances content relevance and search engine visibility.

Internal Ranking Factors

The second highest priority task for content projects. Internal factors we can include:

  • Metadata: How correctly it is filled in.
  • Working with snippets on search: When we can correct the document's areas shown in the Description Snippet.
  • Internal relinking: Here, we don't need the left navigation menu. More often than not, "Breadcrumbs" and "Read also" blocks with articles on the topic are used for linking. Sometimes, the blog is categorized by topic or using a tag cloud under H1.
  • Technical factors: Play an even smaller role. Basic technicalities should be done:
  1. Micro-labelling
  2. Errors in duplicate pages.
  3. Incorrect meta fixed.
  4. Errors in how robots see pages, if any.
  5. Robots.txt/Sitemap.xml fixed.
  6. SSL certificate is present.
  7. Pages are indexed correctly.
  8. Commercial pages are designed.

Commercial Ranking Factors

After the content and internal optimization, it is the third priority factor for service sites. Accordingly, commercial factors play a greater role. The highest priorities:

  • The availability of prices on the site.
  • Convenient order form for services.
  • The presence of customized objectives and their tracking.
  • The "About Us" and "Contact Us" pages are filled out correctly.
  • Having SSL certificates.
  • The pages are correctly designed and have prices and USP blocks, prompting an application.

Accordingly, the work with commercial ranking factors should be approached as responsibly as online stores.

Link Ranking Factors

It is the fourth most important factor. From the 3rd month, you can check the performance of your competitors, and from that, look at where and what kind of links we buy or do not buy. Mindlessly buying links is unnecessary; if the site is old and of good quality, then there is no need to buy links in the first stages.

Behavioral Ranking Factors

They are also called user ranking factors. We cannot influence them directly, but they are nevertheless important. There are metrics like LastClick, Depth of View, visitor time on the site, and internal conversions. They all, in one way or another, form a picture of how the user interacts with the site. Accordingly, the task of keeping the visitor's attention on the page, there are several ways to do this:

  • Photos that separate the paragraphs of the page.
  • Video materials - which will help the visitor.
  • Tables if this is necessary for the subject. For example, tables comparing the prices of stretch ceilings from major competitors.
  • Also, for deeper interaction with users can be used Lazy-Load.
  • After the user reaches a certain point loads, the next page

Online Stores

Online stores are web-based resources where users can purchase goods or services online. They allow customers to select and purchase goods without visiting a physical store.

The ranking of online stores is of great importance because the competition in online commerce is noticeably high. Visibility in search engines plays a crucial role in attracting potential customers. Well-ranked online stores get more organic traffic. It increases the likelihood of attracting customers and increases conversion rates.

Ranking online stores provides businesses with an opportunity to:

  • Attracting more customers
  • Increase in customer base
  • Increase in sales

A higher position in search results also creates trust with consumers and can increase brand reputation. Overall, the successful ranking of online stores plays a key role in developing e-commerce and providing a competitive advantage.

Commercial Ranking Factors

For online stores, these factors are the most important because they directly affect the store's sales. The highest priorities:

  • Availability of prices on the site.
  • Convenient shopping cart and checkout.
  • Convenient mobile layout.
  • The store closes a maximum number of categories due to its structure.
  • Convenient feedback form.
  • Presence of customized goals and their tracking.
  • Extended e-commerce has been made so that data about the products that users have purchased is pulled into analytics.
  • Correctly filled out pages "About Us" and "Contacts", "Guarantees", and "Delivery".
  • Presence of SSL certificates.
  • Pages have been designed correctly and have price and pop USP blocks that can prompt a request.
  • Nice pictures of the products.
  • The items have the blocks of internal linking, such as "You can buy with this...".
  • The presence of filters and sorting correctly in the catalog.

Internal Ranking Factors

The second highest priority task for online store projects. For internal factors, we can include:

  • Metadata: How well it is filled in.
  • How completely we disclosed the structure with the semantic core: The main methodology of working with online stores is creating new sections, which should receive traffic, respectively. The more definite demand we close, the more potential traffic and sales we can bring to the client.
  • Internal Relinking: One of the most important things for online stores. Must be made by the following blocks:
  1. Correct the main menu with drop-down subcategories.
  2. Correct the left navigation menu where there are all sections of the site.
  3. The product cards have blocks like "This product is bought with" and "Similar products" to link them.
  4. If there are pages of filters, respectively, they must also be linked.
  • Technical factors: Playing an even smaller role. Basic technical should be done:
  1. Micro-links.
  2. Errors in duplicate pages.
  3. Incorrect meta fixed.
  4. Errors in how robots see pages, if any.
  5. Robots.txt/Sitemap.xml fixed.
  6. SSL certificate is present
  7. Pages are indexed correctly
  8. Commercial pages are decorated.
  9. The left navigation menu is correct.
  10. The main menu is correct.
  11. Rel=Canonical is implemented, and the site does not present duplicate product cards in several sections of the site.

Link Ranking Factors

In the 3rd month, you can check which indicators are competitors, and from this, look at where and what kind of links we buy or do not buy. Refraining from buying links is unnecessary; if the site is old and of good quality, there is no need to buy links in the early stages. Here it has a mediocre priority because optimisers' main task is to close users' demand. Here you can buy links if some specific categories are not moving and need to look.

Textual Ranking Factors 

This type of site textual ranking factor has an extremely mediocre role. For some subjects require texts for the categories, and some do not. Accordingly, we decide whether they are needed or not depending on the current situation in search results.

Behavioral Ranking Factors

They are also called user ranking factors. We can not influence them directly, but they are nevertheless important. There are metrics such as LastClick, depth of view, the visitor's time on the site, and internal transitions. They all, in one way or another, form a picture of how the user interacts with the site. Accordingly, the task of keeping the visitor's attention on the page, here you can do this in several ways:

  • Reviews in product cards
  • Videos in product cards
  • Convenient navigation on the site so that people can see more products or different versions of them
  • Colorful photos encourage people to buy and click on them.


Website aggregators are platforms that collect information from different sources and make it available in a user-friendly form. They aggregate content from different sources on one platform, usually in a specific niche or theme.

The promotion of aggregators is quite interesting in the sense that the task of the aggregator is to collect the maximum number of the organization's cards in any direction. But the main task in promoting aggregators is behavioral factors and internal factors.

Consider an aggregator as a huge online store where organization cards are products, respectively. To promote aggregators, you need to collect the maximum demand by city, region and, generally, work with local search results.

Commercial factors are less important here because you do not buy anything on the site of aggregators. Still, the design of the cards and the total demand covered by the aggregator is important.

Accordingly, now that we understand the difference between the types of sites let's move on to the pressing issues.

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Frequently asked questions

What are the different types of websites?
Why are Google ranking factors important?
What are the major Google ranking factors?

Are You Ready To Grow Your Website?

Understanding the ins and outs of website growth, we help ensure that your site grows over time with ever-increasing reach and accessibility. Not only do we employ the latest digital marketing techniques for driving traffic directly to your website, but our strategies also focus on gaining loyalty from those visitors so they come back again and again.
Leave your contacts to get a comprehensive and aggressive digital marketing plan taking your business to new heights.